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Parenting Success


We often hear how exhausted parents are, and how much easier it would be if kids just “came with an instruction manual”. Well, the team at Parenting Success may have uncovered that manual!
Parenting Success is a Brisbane-based team of child and parent experts who understand the importance of building and nurturing healthy connections in families. They have a range of programs that help parents create stronger, more positive relationships with their children.

Parenting Success Narelle Dickinson.

What does the research say?

The research on creating psychologically healthy kids (who grow up to be psychologically healthy adults) is clear: we all need to feel safe and secure, and be provided opportunities to confidently
explore the world, knowing that a loving carer is watching over us, ready to support us and protect us, when we need it. The team at Parenting Success is comprised of experts in child and family
wellbeing. Directors Dr Upasana Kapoor (Paediatrician) and Narelle Dickinson (Clinical Psychologist) have pulled together a team of psychologists and child health medical professionals with a shared passion for helping families learn how to create and maintain these safe and secure home environments.

Dr Kapoor said, “Once we get a clear understanding of parent-child attachment, we have the tools to make the right choices in how to manage our children’s behaviour. By developing and nurturing a secure attachment with our children, we can help them become a loving child who can then become a loving and caring spouse and parent in the future.”

Parenting Success knows that once parents (or carers) can offer their children this safe, stable and predictable environment for exploration, they are giving their kids the best possible opportunity to grow up with more resilient mental health, higher self esteem, and the tools to establish healthy relationships with other people (including friends and partners), not just during childhood, but
throughout their lives.

Narelle Dickinson said, “The more secure your child is, the more likely they are to have high self-esteem and the confidence to succeed at school, and later at work. Our programs give parents the skills that help create an environment of emotional safety between parents and their kids, whatever their age.”

Parenting Success waiting room front door.

A suite of parenting programs on offer

Parenting is a tough gig.

Parenting Success knows that being a parent is the hardest job on the planet. So, they have assembled a suite of parenting programs which help parents learn how to strike the perfect balance
between following their child’s behavioural “cues” as a way to manage difficult behaviour and coping with “big” uncomfortable emotions. Of course, parents can’t be expected to let every moment of every day be taken up with emotion management, and parenting isn’t just about being “nice” to kids. These programs also provide the skills to help parents know how (and when) to take charge and set appropriate behavioural boundaries with their kids. The programs reinforce that parents are always there for their children, but that does not mean that we always have to be overly nice to them. Sometimes it is necessary to let them know that they have crossed the boundary.

Parenting Success external entrance.

What’s the right program for my family?

The team at Parenting Success is passionate about the programs they offer. They know that when parents learn to tune into their children’s (and their own) emotions, and partner with their kids to get through the tough times, they will discover the most wonderful and essential gift they could ever offer to their child. 

Circle of Security Parenting (COSP)

For parents of younger children (infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers), the most appropriate program would be the internationally renowned Circle of Security Parenting program (COSP). COSP is based on decades of research and provides a simple model to understand the day-to-day behaviours of our children. COSP teaches parents to consider their parenting this way: “Always be: Bigger, stronger, wiser and kind. Whenever possible: Follow my child needs. Whenever necessary: Take charge.” It’s a relief to know that the COSP research on understanding and meeting young children’s emotional needs is clear: we don’t have to be perfect in our responding. Rather, if parents can get it “right” at least 30 percent of the time, then that is “Good Enough“. 

Parenting Success also offers workshops for professional carers (such as child care centres) on the COSP model, meaning children can have all of their carers working together the same way, ensuring that they have the most stable and predictable emotional support at home and away.

Tuning in to Kids (TIIK)

For older kids, parents will probably find the Tuning in to Kids (TIIK) suite of programs a little more relatable. These programs (Tuning in to Kids, Tuning in to Teens and Tuning in for Dads) help to teach both parents and children how to express emotions in healthy ways.

The TIIK programs are based on the idea that human emotions are central to communication and connection. When we communicate at the emotional level, we feel closer connections. All emotions serve a function and provide us with important information about ourselves and our environment.

Emotional connection is central and important to our well-being and optimises life outcomes.

Research clearly shows that behaviour problems often reduce or stop when emotional acceptance and understanding occurs. The TIIK programs recognise that every family is unique and that
parents/carers know their children best.

Parenting Success garden.


I found that understanding my Shark Music was most helpful, that I feel a renewed patience, and like I have the capacity and skill set to support my children to organise their feelings.”

The facilitator was fantastic, warm, welcoming, and informative and the wine and snacks was a nice surprise!

I realised that I can be a mean parent, and that’s because that’s the way I was parented. I feel like now I have the skills to change that.

Frequently asked questions

Can my partner attend with me? Yes- They’d love that! Parenting Success offers special pricing to help both parents participate in the training programs.

Is there a program relevant to my child? Yes! Parenting Success offers a range of programs which are relevant to parents of children from birth through to adulthood.

Can they help me with my special needs child? Yes they can. The team of expertly trained psychologists and paediatric specialists have experience and understanding working with kids with special needs, including ADD, ASD, ODD and physical disabilities. They are able to adapt the program content to ensure you get the most out of the training and experience wonderful outcomes with your kids.

If you would like to find out more, or book in to one of the Parenting Success programs, you can jump directly to the Parenting Success website and book for a program delivered in person (at their Holland Park location) or online (and enjoy the program from your own home!).


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